Sunday, June 24, 2007

The30th La Liga.. The30th ACB. This Madrid is FANTASTIC

This is a week of joy. Winning the 30th la liga title after many dramatic –heart stopping- weeks, then winning the 30th Acb title after beating barca. Let's be logical, this basketball team deserves to win. Joan Plaza is the man. He knows hoe to prepare his men in such occasions. And we all still feel the bitterness of that defeat against barca in the final of copa del Rey. Ok, it's all past now, let's celebrate and then we have to think about the coming days. I do believe that this is a crucial period of time for Real Madrid, they are the defending champions in both football and basketball.. Wow this is amazing but we need a lot of positive thinking to still at the top next season. At the top?? This where Madrid deserves to be. Oh My God, I love this Madrid.
Congratulations… Hala Madrid


paco said...


please, could you help us to spread the manifesto in the arab world?

we would like to be in

These websites have interesting forums with a lot of real amdrid fans. We have the natural difficulty of the language. Help us, friend.

Unknown said...

I will try to expand a little bit the previous message, which is of another visitor of the blog Fans del Real Madrid.

We've already spotted three Arab webs which seem to be of the utmost importance for us because they've got many members:, and If you've got time and the possibility to do so, it would be great if you could translate the letter we use to send to administrators and the manifesto into Arabic. Once you had translated both, you could send it to the administrators of these webs and to us (so that we could post it in, alongside the English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, French, Hungarian and Polish versions). If for any reason (time, work, etc.) you can't translate it, could you simply try to contact the administrators of the aforementioned webs to send them the English versions of the letter and the manifesto? It would be an enormous favour.

If you couldn't do any of the previous things or if the administrators couldn't answer you, would you be so kind to start a topic in their forums with the English manifesto (or, if you happened to translate it, the new Arabic version)?

This strategy proved to be enormously efficient in Hungary and Poland and it has meant many, many signatures.

Thank you very much.

Unknown said...

The letter we use to send to administrators is:


Hello. I’ve sent you this e-mail as a representative of a group of Real Madrid fans from Spain. As you may know, Real Madrid, with Fabio Capello as their coach, have won the Spanish championship, la Liga, this week. This trophy has ended a 4 year period during which Real failed to win any major trophy. However, far from being hailed as a hero, Fabio Capello is on the verge of being sacked. Fabio Capello is one of the most laureate coaches of the world, having won 9 national championships (both in Italy and Spain) and one European championship (in Italy). To have an idea of the magnitude of this achievements we could say that FC Barcelona, for example, a football club with more than a hundred years of existence, have only been able to win 18 national championships and two European championships (that is, Barcelona’s palmares only doubles Capello’s).

In order to avoid this sacking, we have used our blog ( as a platform to collect signatures. There you can read our manifesto (which is presented in Spanish, English, Italian, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese and Polish) and you can find a link to the site in which the signatures are collected ( After only four and a half days we’ve got more than 7000 signatures coming from all over the world. Our initiative has drawn the attention of some media, although we initially didn’t seek that publicity (Radio Marca, La Gazzetta dello Sport, Nemzeti Sport, etc.). Now that we’ve got more signatures, we would be very grateful if you could publish our manifesto or a reference to our campaign on your web, as other web pages related with Real Madrid have done (,, etc.).

Unknown said...

The English manifesto:


To Don Ramon Calderon Ramos and to whom it many concern:

1- The Real Madrid Supporters who are regular contributors to the website “Fans del Real Madrid” ( and many other web sites wish to thank Fabio Capello for the impresive results achieved with Real Madrid. He has turned around a decline which has lasted for years, making the team excell in his workrate, untiring faith and search for victory. We wish to express the gratitude, recognition and affection of many fans to don Fabio.

2- We are disgusted at the campaign aimed at Mr Capello since his arrival in Spain. It has been unjust and mainly based on personal reasons. Even when footballing reasons have been argumented, other teams utilizing very similar tactical systems (like Valencia) have been painted with a totally diferent brush in the media.

3- We reject the idea that football should have an ideology. Football is a diverse sport and can be played in many different ways. We don’t accept the dubious aesthetical criteria used to describe different styles of playing the game.

4- Furthermore, we also reject the idea that Real Madrid has been playing poorly or that the current style is alien to the essence and values of the club. Much to the contrary, the current display of discipline and team work are examples of areas where we have always excelled. The clearest proof is that in the league we´ve not only beaten all of our closest rivals, but have achieved the all time record of points away from home.

5- We wish to ask Don Ramon Calderon, president of Real Madrid, to end this period of uncertainty and the humiliation the architect of our footballing resurrection has been subjected to. We wish to remind Sr. Calderon that in his election manifesto he promised to abide by the strategy of the technical director. The club needs to be ruled by a long term and well structured strategy, not by the constant change of coaches or changes because of a whim.

6- We reject the excessive influence given to a certain sector of the club surroundings which are not necessarily a majority neither correct in their views. We respect the senior members and ex players, but we stress that the club doesn´t belong to them. The current success of the team is not a miracle or due to some sort of spiritual healing session with deceased players. The Internet has shown us a concept of a Real Madrid fan which many wish to forget. The Real Madrid Fan base is international, enthusiastic and young.

7- We also reject the excessive influence of the media on the daily running of the club. We strive for an independent club, able to guide itself, staying away from meaningless controversies and external interests. We ask the club to actively defend itself from the attacks and negative media campaigns the club is constantly subjected to.

For all of the above, we ask Don Ramon Calderon to reflect carefully during the following days and avoid making a historical mistake. We also ask all Real Madrid Fans who feel identified with the points made to sign this petition, with the objective to give the greatest strength to this message we deem of vital importance for the future of our club.

Hala Madrid!

To sign the online petition: