Sunday, June 24, 2007

The30th La Liga.. The30th ACB. This Madrid is FANTASTIC

This is a week of joy. Winning the 30th la liga title after many dramatic –heart stopping- weeks, then winning the 30th Acb title after beating barca. Let's be logical, this basketball team deserves to win. Joan Plaza is the man. He knows hoe to prepare his men in such occasions. And we all still feel the bitterness of that defeat against barca in the final of copa del Rey. Ok, it's all past now, let's celebrate and then we have to think about the coming days. I do believe that this is a crucial period of time for Real Madrid, they are the defending champions in both football and basketball.. Wow this is amazing but we need a lot of positive thinking to still at the top next season. At the top?? This where Madrid deserves to be. Oh My God, I love this Madrid.
Congratulations… Hala Madrid

Friday, June 22, 2007

about Don Capello

I must confess that I wasn't a big fan of Don Capello in terms of the irregularity in which the squad passed in the first about 6 months, and this irregularity cost us a lot; Out from Copa Del Rey and the Champion's League and we all know that it's Madrid's favorite competition. But, we must confess the change that happened 3 months ago is really amazing. After the 3-3 match against Barca we believed we can do it, and still it's a regret that we didn't go from the Camp nou with the whole 3 points. Anyway, I declare now that I really hope Don Capello to stay at Madrid because this means the continuation of the healthy state we've lived. But there should be so many reconsiderations in both the squad members and in tactical method. Personally, I believe that don Capello is the man who built that strong and organized squad that conquered Europe's most entertaining tournament after being in charge 10 years ago. Now it's time for him to grasp the fruit of his own efforts BUT with deep vision about what the squad really needs. Mr.Calderon.. Please think and re-think about the matter. Hala Madrid

Is kaka Really a fairy tale?

It's really amazing to follow the news about Kaka..Coming..not coming..Coming..not coming..Coming..not coming,we'll get bored of that because all that we need is to get the right player in the right place.